At Vibe we make it a whole thing to gather as much information as possible about the person before the date, just so you can have a click/connection on the first date. Also, we give suggestions based on stuff you both enjoy doing as date ideas so that you don’t have to get creative and hit and miss: we’ve got that one covered too.
BUT that’s just us. And just like everything in life, there is something for everyone and obviously not everyone will be on Vibe. So for the regular dating app daters out there, here are some solid tips and tricks to get in, or out of a situation.

Dating App dates
An art in itself. You haven’t met each other before and don’t know if you’ll have a connection in real life.
Getting your match on a date is easy and difficult at the same time. Easy because you don’t know her and are less dependent on her response.
Difficult because you don’t know her, and she doesn’t know whether you’re actually a weirdo IRL. Let’s imagine she’s already convinced that you’re a normal person.
How and when do you ask her on a date?

Keep it nice and short
and most of all, casual. Don’t write three-page love letter.

Then the when
don’t be too fast, but also not too slow. When you’ve spoken for a while and you’ve got it on, you can easily ask her on a date. Yet don’t tell her your entire life story. Big chance she’ll get bored with all the chitchat and lose interest in you. Also, don’t ask her on a date after three messages. Probably you won’t even get an answer.

The location
Choose a location where you can easily end or continue the date. A walk through the city is always a solid plan. Had enough after an hour? No problem, search your mind for an excuse to leave, and off you go.
Having fun on your date? Great! You can continue to walk until you reach Brasil.

Play to win, not to not lose.
This one might shake your reality…. And it’s so unbelievably necessary.
Most guys who are still somewhat inexperienced in interacting with women: As soon as they’re able to arrange dates, they’re TOO CONTENT. Whether it’s actually crowned with success (a kiss, sleeping with her, winning her as a girlfriend later on…), they don’t care at all.
But someone who is completely content with his abilities and has no intention of improving stagnates. Every die-hard seducer NEVER stops learning. He’s ambitious and disciplined to take his skills to the next level.

Last but not least: Turn the first seconds of your date into gold
- Outfit? On point!
- Hairdo? Stylish.
- Perfume? Check!
- Bed made? More tidy than Christian Grey’s.
- Put a big smile on your face when you meet your lady
- Open your arms as you approach her with the last steps and prepare for a hug
- Give her a big hug
Just imagine that you haven’t seen a good buddy for a long time and are happy to see him again. With this energy, you want to start your date.
Remember, an attractive man ALWAYS takes the lead. Be it during the conversation or where you go next. Don’t get us wrong. If she makes a date suggestion that you like or talks about a topic that interests you, let her continue with it.
Talk about things you both find interesting and go with her to places where you both feel comfortable.
There’s probably a special lady who you’ve always wanted to ask on a date.
Time to put those tips into practice.
Knock yourself out, have a hell of a date, and above all: enjoy.